If your price comparison shows that you are already with the cheapest gas & electricity supplier, you should check the name of the energy tariff you are on.
Although the company you are with may be showing up as the cheapest supplier, energy companies have many different tariff’s.
For example: On your bill it indicates that you are on a standard energy tariff. Your supplier has came out the cheapest on a gas & electricity price comparison site with their most recent online tariff.
Some People think they are safe with the tariff they are on because their supplier is working out to be the cheapest for gas & electricity. However, This is most likely the time you should switch to the supplier offering the next cheapest tariff.
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To confirm this, check the tariff name you are on, and check how much you pay per kwh for your gas & electricity.
Check with one of the comparison sites on the right to get the tariff names and the kwh prices.
If you need any help with this, please leave a comment below
The best thing is compare and switch to the best supplier after every year as rates get steeper every year.