Help us in our fight against pollution
When you go to the Supermarket for your weekly shopping, say no to carrier bags.
We should all be aware by now, the environmental impact, that plastics are making on our planet. But are we doing enough about it.
i am sure we all have these nice re-usable shopping bags lurking somewhere in the back of the cupboard, or we have simply left them in the boot of the car.
You can do your bit by using these bags instead of adding to the plastics pollution.
I am going to visit as many supermarkets as I can, to raise awareness of our short-comings.
If you would like to take part in raising public awareness, then share this page with all your friends. Tell them how much damage we are causing.
Hopefully, we can all make a small change.
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Mammals see these bags as play things, or sometimes they may appear to resemble jellyfish. When a Dolphin swallows these bags, death is certain!
Show your support
If you want to support our campaign, click the subscribe in a reader link. If you can think of anything you can do personally about reducing your use of plastics, let us know in the comments section at the bottom of this page.
I went into my local co-op for a jar of coffee and a packet of biscuits. The Girl behind the counter had prepared a carrier bag for me to take away my purchase. She was a bit annoyed after preparing the bag, that I didn’t want it!
It just goes to show, that many People still don’t realise the impact that these bags are having on the environment.
It’s now becoming too common place, to be given a plastic carrier bag for one or two items of shopping.
Another bag incident today at my local Morrisons store.
I don’t bother taking my re-usable bag into a shop when I can carry a small amount of items in my hand.
A cooked chicken, and a packet of garlic bread was being placed into a carrier bag.
Of course, I removed the items from the bag.
Morrisons in Erskine, Renfrewshire, will be one of my targets next week.
I was planning to start the campaign today, but I only received the stuff this afternoon. The T shirts arrived in plastic bags
Did you ever stop to consider the harm we are doing to our environment.
It would be kinder to go and harpoon the Dolphins to put them out of their misery rather than us causing them a slow prolonged death by contaminating their living space!
If you don’t actually fancy harpooning Dolphins, you can do your bit by reducing your waste.
This campaign is going quite well so far. Even if we can get a few People to understand the damage we are causing, it’s a step in the right direction.
However, we need many more People to pass the word. Point everyone you know in the direction of this page. By doing this, you are helping to get the word out, so more People will understand why it’s important to reduce our use of plastics!
Please leave a comment to let us know what you are doing to pass the word.
For example.
Tell all your friends on Facebook. You can use the button on this page to do this. And tell them what we are doing to Marine life.
Did’nt get too much done with this campaign last year, as it all came about toward the end of the year.
I will be recommencing this in the Spring.
Looking for People to join us, so we can appear at as many supermarkets as possible to get the word out. I don’t believe most People realise the damage they are causing by using plastic bags.
If you are able to stand outside a supermarket in your area, wearing a T-shirt and handing out cards to drive People to this page. Then we will be on our way to educating People on the damage they are causing to the environment!