
Energy Advisory Service UK

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winter energy bills

Your gas & electricity bills for the Winter

This is the time of the year we all dread, me included. Our Winter bills, in many cases, amount to more than half our annual spend on gas & electricity.

So how can we control this?

It really is down to us all as individuals, to have some sort of understanding how our energy is priced.

Take a look at your energy bills, and try to get around the confusion of:

  • KWH
  • Tier 1
  • Tier 2
  • Standing charge
  • Standard energy
  • General domestic – no standing charge

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These are pretty much, typical of the terminology you will find on your energy bills.

Unit of measure for gas & electricity

Your gas and electricity usage is measured in KWH (kilowatt Hours)

How your supplier charges you

Your energy supplier will charge you so much per KWH

Similar to

It’s similar to filling your car up with fuel, where you pay so much per litre.

Other charges on the bills

With energy, there are other charges to consider. You will either pay a standing charge. Or, you will be on a 2 tier tariff. The first tier generally covers what you would have paid on a standing charge.

What tariff are you on?

The type of tariff you are on, is on your bill. If you haven’t switched to an online tariff within the last year, you are most likely paying standard energy prices

Can I get a cheaper energy deal?

Once you understand which tariff you are on, and you know how much you will expect to spend over the coming year. You have enough information to make a comparison!

You can get the best deals by paying for your gas & electricity bills by Direct Debit. Your energy supplier will divide your annual spend by 12 equal monthly payments.

This also means you won’t be faced with a big Winter bill.

Get quotes from all the energy suppliers with this comparison tool.

Just hit the start button your savings start here


winter energy bills

Sitewide Notice:

Latest advice, there are currently no great savings to be made by switching supplier.

We will update this notice when decent savings become available.

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