Convert your gas meter reading into KWH
You can convert you gas reading into KWH with this handy calculator. Whether you pay a standing charge or not, you will be able to work out how much your gas and electricity is costing.
Your gas meter probably doesn’t measure KWH’s, so this gas calculator will convert your reading into KWH’s using an average calorific value for the gas you have consumed.
Why is one of the gas multipliers to convert meter reading to KWH increased on latest satement from 39.1 to 39.6?
The calorific value for the supply of gas is variable. Temperature affects the pressure. This doesn’t mean you are actually paying more for your gas!
Thanks for reply. It is not wholly accurate to say it does not affect cost,it does. In my case a very small figure of just over £1 using figures from latest gas statement.
Initially I wondered if this was just another way of the energy suppliers charging more.
Sorry for the confusing answer. The changes in the calorific value do alter the price you pay per KWH of gas, it doesn’t affect the price for the amount of energy which is generated.
No matter what changes are applied to the calorific value, you still pay the same for the heat which is generated.
Gas probably shouldn’t be measured in KWH because the calorific value does have a varying affect on this measurement!
Thank you so much for your mail re turning my units into kwh. I wasn’t shocked even though your mail message head was Oh Dear!!! I knew that I was just leaving the heating on when I really could have turned the thermostat down. The 331 units where from July to December so just have to be more careful between now and end of contract in July. Your answer was most helpful and much appreciated.
Marian Jones
My gas meter says the reading is in cub feet and the meter says that one turn on the small dial is 0.071 cub feet and it takes 100 turns of this to get one unit on my gas reading, and as there are 35.31 cubic feet to a cub metre the meter reading should be divided by that and multiplied by 7.1 which is what each unit on the dial is worth 7.1 cubic feet. However Eon multiply the basic meter figure by 2.83 to get Kwh where does this come from?.
My gas meter shows the readings in ft3. I would like to know how do I convert ft3 in kW/h. For example it says that I’ve spent roughly about 20 ft3 this month. Can you please explain how much that would be in kW/h. Thanks
20 ft3 is around 643 KWH. To give you an approximate idea, you can multiply your usage by 3216%